My first entry as an Artist
Hello there! my name is Michelle and I'm the artist behind the story of Katrina and her friends, I've been working on this project so hard this past days that I have forgotten to introduce more about myself.
First of all I'm from Mexico and I'll be moving to South Korea hopefully this year, I could have moved early but the Covid19 situation started and well I guess I accepted to stay inside my country one more year and for many of us who wish to expand our horizons is painful but let's think of what makes us happy like what do you guys like to do in your free time?
For me I was always leaned to art in general for example love sketching in my sketchbook haha I used to draw thumbnails for future digital illustrations haha; but now I do it for fun, to relax and not to worry of "work"; guess I find a peaceful moment when I'm just sitting drawing what ever comes to my mind, I feel inner healing is happening whenever I connect in a deeper level with art in general like music and books.
When I write I don't only write Katrina's story (which I admit is quiet addictive ha) but I love to share myself in the social media, I guess I was always the quiet girl in my family (Have a sister and she was the outgoing social butterfly) but noways I became such an extrovert I want to have contact with a lot of people and have friends all over the world so you will probably find me talking in Facebook, praising other's people art on Deviantart, scrolling down on Instagram or writing blog entries outside my website haha.
Art has always been my passion, and I guess I always tried to express myself through it using colors, words, music and moves. I may not be so open regarding the fact that I LOVE dancing! haha so much that I'm actually training myself into lyrical dance. it's quiet a good challenge and I'm always amazed by the malleability of the human body. I'm hoping to record myself in the near future because I want to train my animations skills with dance moves haha, I guess it will be a good advice if you happened to be an artist looking to enhance your anatomy skills.
Anyway I'll try to share as much as possible regarding upcoming project in the near future with you! for this time I thank you for reading this far, and never forget to:
Express yourself. express your philosophy, your feelings in the most creative and loving way possible!
Cheers! xx